Half time break is the intermission between halves of a game or contest. A pause in an event that airs commercials and other advertisements. There are so many things that we can learn from half-time breaks that can also give us new ideas in promoting and inviting more people to our Youth Camps.

FreeStyle, in different sports events, is not being limited to a specified method or pattern of movement. Even in leveling up our skills in dancing, we must also explore new moves of using our talents in glorifying God.

Clutch is used to describe an action that could change a game at the right moment. The 3 pointer successful shot to tie or win at the final minute of a game. Transitioning to the next chapter is our clutch moment, that decision to continue to serve the Lord allows us to win the game.

A rookie is an athlete playing his or her first season as a member of a professional sports team. In our team, we are also to assist and take care of our young members.

Courtside reports are live updates from inside the playing field. The closest and most precise interviews with the players are captured through sideline reporting. Our personal encounter with God’s love should be broadcasted, written and captured so that the world would know Him too.

The physiological response and improvement of the body to regular repetitive exercise. Persistent efforts to study the scripture and deepen our knowledge of God is similar to regular exercises, that in due time improves our spiritual well-being and makes champions in defending our faith.